
Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Facebook status - Status fb bahasa inggris

Facebook adalah cara yang baik untuk berhubungan dengan teman atau keluarga yang tinggal di tempat-tempat jauh. Pesan status Facebook  ini dapat membantu fb anda menjadi tampil menarik sehingga membuat status fb anda berbeda dari yang lain. Dapatkan kutipan – kutipan yang lucu untuk facebook dan berbagi di dinding teman-teman anda,  berharap mereka menjadi terhibur dan mendapatkan berkat dengan cara yang lucu. Anda bisa mendapatkan ide status facebook yang berbeda dan unik dari blog ini.

Berikut adalah beberap kutipan Status facebook lucu dari orang – orang  terkenal untuk orang-orang yang suka membaca dan berbagi dengan orang lain:

There are many things that I would like to say to you but I dont know how.

Relationship is like standing on wet cement. The longer you stand the more difficult is to leave & even if you leave, you leave your footprints behind.

Be happy. Not because everything is good, but because you can see the good side of everything.

Worrying = Waste Of Time. Good and bad things will happen in life. You just have to keep living and not stress over what you can’t control.

Loving someone and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.

Please know that no matter what happens between us, I will always love you. You will always be my favourite, my number one.

Perfect people are not real. Real people are not perfect. So you can either love people for their flaws or hate then because they are real.

Running away from your problems is a race you’ll never win.

Always be happy, always wear a smile, not b’coz life is full of reasons to smile but b’coz your smile itself is a reason for many others to smile.

The most beautiful clothes that a woman can wear are the arms of the man she loves.

The longer you have to wait for something, the more you will appreciate it when it finally arrives.

Every girl is an angel. Don’t waste time in selecting unique. Instead spend time in understanding them.

People who are not happy with themselves, can not possibly be happy with you.

Only thing greater than the power of the mind is the courage of the heart.

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and focus on what could go right.

The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest.

If you believe strongly in something, don’t be afraid to fight for it.

Never regret anything because at one time it was exactly what you wanted.

No matter how old I get I’ll never need glasses to see your beauty.


I have many problems in my life but my lips don’t know about those problems. They always smile.


There are million reason for me to leave you but I never do that for one reason because I love you.


Heart is the greatest cheater in this world because it makes thousands of different excuses to stay in touch with the person you love.


A good life is when you smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are for what you have.


I wish my phone never ran out of battery, my fridge never ran out of food and my wallet never ran out of money. .. LOL


Understanding is much deeper than knowledge. There are many people who know us, but very few who understand us.


God is the best listener and you don’t need to shout, nor cry out loud. Because he hears even the very silent prayer of a sincere heart.


The worst feeling is pretending you don’t care about something, when really it’s all you seem to think about.


You have to go through the worst to get the best.


She can be your best friend, worst enemy, real bitch or a real sweetheart. It all depends on how you treat her.


I’m not looking for someone who has everything but someone who has time to spend with me more than anything.


GOOGLE must be a woman because it knows everything.


Every monther on earth gave birth to a child except my mother. She gave birth to a legend.


I only need 3 things in life: Food, Wifi, Sleep :)


I’m not weird. I’m limited edition.


You’ll never know pain until you look into the eyes of someone you love, and they look away.


One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.


You meet thousands of people and none of them really touch you. Then you meet one person, and your life is changed forever.


Some days I want to go back, some days I want to move forward but today, I’m OK with right here, right now.


Everything is perfect. But only when I am with you.


Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.


If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.


Remember that your greatest talent is so much more powerful than your biggest fear.


Life can get hard and things can go wrong but you just got to stand up and stay strong.


It takes a lot of energy to get angry. I don’t care to use my energy that way.


“Be strong” a phrase that’s easy to say but a hard thing to do when you are broken.


You were born to win but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win and expect to win.


People may hate you for being different and not living by society’s standards but deep down, they wish they had the courage to do the same things.


Marriage is a relationship in which one is always right and the other is the husband.


If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.


The one thing you can never get enough of is LOVE and the one thing we never give enough is LOVE.


Treat people the way you want to be treated. Talk to people the way you want to be talked to. Respect is earned not given.


Most of problems in life are b’coz of two reasons: We act without thinking or we keep thinking without acting.


Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen.


Keep your head up. GOD gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers.


I may not have everything I want in life but I’m blessed enough to have all that I need. For this I’m grateful.


They say nothing lasts forever, We’ll have to prove them wrong.


Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away. And going away means forgetting.


A woman brought you into this world, so you have no right to disrespect one.


People say nothing’s impossible, but I do nothing everyday.


Together forever we’ll never be apart, maybe in distance, but never in heart.


No matter how carefully you choose your words, they will always end up being twisted by others.


I know I’m crazy. Don’t ruin my moment.


People say, when you are in love, everything seems beautiful but I say when you are truly in love, you can’t find anything more beautiful than your love.


A relationship with no arguments, is a relationship with a lot of secrets.


If you want to go fast, go alone! If you want to go far, go together.


Sometimes you realize too late that what you’re looking for is exactly what you just let go.


Just because someone hurt you yesterday doesn’t mean you should start living life today in constant fear of being hurt tomorrow.


I can’t promise that I’ll be here for the rest of your life but I can promise that I’ll love you for the rest of mine.


Don’t count the things you have done for someone. Instead, count the number of times you felt better, coz you made them happy.


I love you more today than I did yesterday but not as much as I’ll love you tomorrow.


Stars may be uncountable but you are my only star. People may dream dreams but you are all I dream about.


It’s amazing how I look up into the stars, and you’re the first thing that comes into my mind.


A great relationship doesn’t happen b’coz of the love you had in the beginning but how well you continue building love until the end.


There can be no better inspiration for life than love. Without love, life exists nowhere, so let you live your life fully and enjoy love.


Some people have nice eyes, some have nice smiles & others have nice faces. But you have all of them with a nice heart.

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